About Us

From its beginnings as a ceramics studio housed in the cheapest Brooklyn storefront Sally Silberberg could find, The Clay Pot has evolved over the past 50+ years into one of the most talked-about jewelry stores in New York. Now based in the iconic town of Hudson, The Clay Pot remains a family-owned and operated business committed to supporting artisans and designers. 

“The store has a very long and interesting reinvention story,” says Tara Silberberg, the daughter of founders Sally and Robert Silberberg. “What started as a pottery studio rooted in the American craft scene evolved into a jewelry store after my dad – trying to save the gallery after the stock market crash of the late 80s – posted an ad in the Village Voice for a wedding ring show.” 

The Silberberg's used their connections with other local artisans and designers to pull together a collection of wedding bands. They sold 20 rings. From it's humble beginnings, the ring department (as its known around the store) has grown by leaps and bounds. The collection is now located at 34 Allen Street in Hudson NY by appointment only.  The showroom is focused solely on the jewelry collection and represents over 75 different artists and designers from all over the country, working in a range of materials and an even broader range of styles. 

If you are looking for a wedding band or engagement ring we are here to help you to make an informed decision. When choosing a loose stone or advising on resetting yours. Our long solid relationships with our designers make almost anything possible.